Getting Used To Dentures
If you’re missing several teeth, ask our dentist if dentures are right for you. Complete and partial dentures are able to replace missing teeth so you can eat, smile, and talk with confidence. Continue reading to learn how to get used to your new dentures. 1. Practice reading out loud. It’s not uncommon for patients to slur some of their words after getting dentures. It’ll […]
Dental Implants FAQ
Your dentist may recommend dental implants to replace missing teeth. Not only do dental implants prevent further tooth loss, but they also provide more stability than other tooth replacement options. Continue reading to get the facts on the dental implant procedure. For more information, call our office to set up a consultation with one of our dental implant dentists. […]
Look Younger With Implants
Do you feel self-conscious of missing teeth? Ask your dentist if you’re a candidate for the dental implant procedure. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root (typically made of titanium) that supports a crown. Continue reading to learn how more and more patients are discovering the benefits of dental implant surgery, especially for their confidence. Prevent Further Tooth Loss […]
Signs You Need Dental Implants
Tired of dentures that slip? A dental implant is an artificial tooth root (typically made of titanium) we place in your jaw to anchor a crown. Dental implants replace missing teeth so you can smile with confidence after tooth loss. A tooth implant can also improve your oral health so you can avoid further tooth loss, jawbone deterioration, gum disease, […]
Foods With Dental Implants
Do you miss eating steak or biting into an apple without pain? What if we told you there was a way to replace missing teeth so you could continue eating your favorite foods? Our dental implant dentists in Grand Rapids, Michigan may recommend you for the dental implant procedure if you have enough bone density in your jaw and healthy gums. […]
Wisdom Teeth & Oral Health
If you thought you were done with having new teeth push through your gum line, think again. Wisdom teeth (a set of third molars) typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. While some people are able to keep their wisdom teeth, others may require wisdom teeth removal to prevent crowding, cavities, and infections. In this blog post, the Grand […]
5 Restorations For Your Smile
If you have ever felt self-conscious about your teeth, you owe it to yourself to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. A Grand Rapids cosmetic dentist will be able to offer a full range of services to help you restore the appearance and function of your smile. In this blog post, we will explain how different types […]
Wisdom Teeth Questions
Did you know that approximately 85% of Americans have their wisdom teeth pulled? Wisdom teeth are the third molars that emerge between the ages of 16 and 20. When your dentist sees that your wisdom teeth are going to cause issues for the rest of your teeth, they may recommend wisdom teeth removal. When so many people have to have […]
Root Canals & Abscesses?
When a tooth needs a root canal it’s because the tooth pulp inside has become infected. If left untreated, tooth decay can permanently damage the tooth or even cause the tooth to die. If you have a persistent toothache and suspect you need a root canal, we recommend you contact an Grand Rapids emergency dentist near you. In […]
Crowns Vs. Fillings
If your Grand Rapids dentist discovers a cavity during your next teeth cleaning, they’ll recommend either a dental crown or filling to restore the tooth to its original strength. If you’re given the choice, do you know which is better for your smile? If you’ve ever wondered how crowns and tooth fillings are different, now’s your chance to find out before your next […]